Do you want to find the right path towards decarbonizing your fleet? We have the experience and expertise to enhance a ship’s energy efficiency in the most cost-efficient way.
The decarbonization of shipping focuses on the machinery solutions of ships. We have extensive experience in the design of machinery systems and engine room areas. Decarbonizing is one of our prime priority areas.
In order to meet the ship emission reduction targets set by the International Maritime Organization (IMO), all suitable means shall be scrutinized. Novel fuels, energy saving systems and emission reduction technologies are to be assessed when looking for the most cost-efficient and practical path towards a sustainable solution.
Energy efficiency enhances the fuel economy of ships. With novel fuels, such as ammonia and methanol, fuel economy is even more important due to the low-energy density content of those fuels, posing challenges to designers and ship operators in terms of storage capacity and related operational endurance. The best solution depends very much on the dedicated ship’s operational profile.
In retrofit projects, the focus is gradually shifting from exhaust treatment systems to novel fuels and various energy-saving technologies. Power management is also important and often extended with a battery pack. Wind can be used thanks to the latest wind-assisted ship prolusion solutions. We have experience with all these technologies and help you taking the right choice.
Hydrodynamic energy efficiency
- CFD calculations are an easy way to analyze the potential energy savings
- Minor modifications result in a fast payback time (ROI)
Are you seeking to improve the energy efficiency of your ships? We make it possible by fine-tuning the shape of the hull and appendixes or by adding hydrodynamic features.
The hydrodynamic performance of a vessel is key for energy efficiency, which is more important than ever due to increasingly stringent environmental regulations. We can improve a ship’s hydrodynamic performance in different ways, as every ship is unique and has different energy-saving possibilities.
To analyze and evaluate the most promising options, we utilize quantitative analysis methods such as computational fluid dynamics (CFD) calculations. We have an efficient calculation cluster, and our Calculation Team works together with our hydrodynamics experts. We can perform CFD calculations at full scale, providing you with reliable results from the proposed possibilities.
The calculations provide the most beneficial modifications with low modification costs, resulting in a very fast payback period (ROI). This ensures competitive operations and lower emissions.
The key phases
Novel fuels
- Our goal is to decarbonize shipping
- The right fuel choice depends on the operational profile
- The future is in multiple fuels
- Future ships must be designed so that they can be adapted later for different fuels
The entire maritime industry is shifting from carbon-based fuels to zero-carbon footprint fuels. We can help you decarbonize your operations and choose the optimal fuel.
We use well-to-wake analysis to assess a fuel’s carbon emissions. When choosing the most suitable alternative fuel, the vessel’s operational profile and voyage combined with the environmental conditions are decisive. This information largely determines the fuel choice. The availability of fuels – now and in the future – is also an important consideration.
Hydrogen is an option, but not always a practical one, as it is difficult to store and takes up space. It also requires very high pressure or extremely low temperatures.
Ammonia and methanol are easier to handle, but they are carbon-free only when produced with green energy. The way we see it, the future will be marked by a wide variety of fuels, and the best choice always depends on the area of operation and the operational profile of the ship.
The key phases
Energy saving and emission control
- Alternative fuel assessments
- Battery pack for peak saving
- Assessment of energy saving devices
- Simulations and optimization of different technologies
- Assessing operational conditions and dimensioning systems for overall energy efficiency, such as HVAC
We can assess and propose energy efficient solutions for energy production, as well as technologies for energy saving opportunities.
Energy savings can be achieved by means of energy efficient power generation and low energy consumption. Simulations are key to assessing the energy saving potential and determine the winning strategy. Determining the energy saving potential of various equipment and operations is crucial. We can fine-tune and optimize your power production needs based on the ship’s operational profile.
In power production, we focus on power management. We can further enhance energy efficiency with waste heat recovery or energy stream optimization by utilizing side streams.
To identify where the highest consumption is occurring, we start with an electrical balance calculation and verifying it against actual operations onboard. This allows us to determine which equipment or operations we should focus on first.
Our analyses and simulations create a path towards low emissions, providing you with cost-efficient and competitive operations.
The key phases
Ensuring compliance with regulations (EEDI, EEXI and CII)
- Calculating the indexes (EEDI/EEXI, CII)
- Emission control and energy efficiency
- Elogrid
- Novel fuels
We make sure you stay ahead of the ever-stricter environmental regulations set by the IMO and energy efficiency criteria for ships. Our experienced professionals can help you create a rule compliance strategy and thrive amid the changes.
Our expertise enables you to focus on enhancing energy efficiency, energy savings and emission control. The IMO’s Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI) and Energy Efficiency Existing Ship Index (EEXI) indicate how a ship’s power plant is designed compared to the existing fleet, while the Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII) indicates how energy-efficiently the ship has been operated.
Using both EEXI and EEDI, we can provide you with different possibilities that will be then realized in the CII.
We can enhance the indexes and indicators by improving your ship’s hydrodynamics and working on the energy efficiency of the machinery. When the EEDI and EEXI and CII are designed for cutting emissions, the shipowner benefits from energy efficient operations.
The key phases
Contact us

Antti Yrjänäinen
Project & Sales Manager, Marine & Offshore Energy
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