The transparent cellulose film developed by VTT is a more climate-friendly solution instead of plastic. It helps to solve many challenges related to plastic. The development of the solution would not have been successful without Elomatic’s expertise.

Elomatic’s role

A machine line was needed to manufacture the cellulose-based film developed by VTT, which Elomatic was responsible for implementing as an EPCM project. In addition to mechanical, electrical and automation design, the delivery included tender surveys and supplier comparisons.

The project involved a virtual design team, which solved the challenges of the community. As a result of good cooperation, the start-up of the machine line was successful on the first try. Assembly of the line started in the summer of 2021, and the machine line was successfully started two years after the start of preliminary planning.

Contact us

Riikka Perälä

Project Engineer

+358407360499 riikka.perala@elomatic.com