We want to be known for our deep expertise in selected areas of the green transition
Tom Lind
According to Elomatic’s new CEO Tom Lind, one of his main ambitions is to internationalize all sectors of Elomatic. The company’s sharpened focus will encompass various aspects of the green transition, aligning with the company’s commitment to designing solutions that increase the wellbeing of people and the environment.
How has your work at Elomatic begun?
My work has begun really well, and I have quickly gotten into Elomatic’s operations. I have also had plenty of time to meet our people in Finland and abroad too, though there are still plenty of meetings ahead. The atmosphere here is very open, and people are happy to engage in conversations.
What attracted you to Elomatic?
Elomatic is a reputable, privately owned company, and here you can make a difference quickly. The company is also familiar to me in many ways: I have had both competitive and customer relations with Elomatic over the years. In that sense, this was not a leap into the unknown at all, rather a leap into the already known and proven.
What kinds of goals do you have?
Basically, I am an engineer and I like clear structures. Since the world around us has changed in such an unprecedented way, we have to find ways to respond to this quickly, that’s clear. Just as important as choosing new focus points, however, is daring to give up something. It is also important to create a healthy and open atmosphere so that we can achieve what we set out to do. And of course, changes must be reflected in Elomatic’s growth and profitability.
My personal goal is to create close relationships with the entire organization. I want to hear what people at different levels and places think. I believe it is completely possible in a company of this size.
Elomatic’s business purpose is to design solutions that increase the well-being of people and the environment. In this way, everything we do aims to promote the green transition.
A major transformation is underway as we move towards a carbon-neutral circular economy. What do you believe are Finland’s strengths given this situation?
Finland’s strengths are certainly related to the versatility of our educational base. We have an education system that has kept us at the forefront of the green transition for decades. On the other hand, it has to be remembered that even though Elomatic is a Finnish company, we are strongly internationalizing. International growth supports us in our goals, but also the other way around: our Finnish base gives us a good starting point for success.
Here in Finland, we have a very reputable startup ecosystem in fields such as material efficiency and the circular economy. We have several examples of various companies successfully scaling up their innovations through collaboration with Elomatic.
How do you see the role of digitization in the future?
The importance of digitization will naturally continue to grow, but it is important to remember that it is a bit like fire: a good servant but a bad master. It improves routines and boosts design efficiency, but it does not replace people. I believe that artificial intelligence must be harnessed to support business structures, and not the other way around. It should strengthen engineering work.
In what ways can Elomatic and other engineering and consulting companies help their customers in the green transition?
Elomatic’s business purpose is to design solutions that increase the wellbeing of people and the environment. In this way, everything we do aims to promote the green transition. I believe the best way we can help is to concretize good ideas. We have a unique ability to turn concepts into reality, as proven by our track record. Elomatic is especially good at refining different types of project ideas and scaling them up into profitable businesses.
In this context, I would also like to mention the potential of acting as a project engine, even though it is not yet very common among offices. Elomatic’s project development company, Green North Energy, has a great mission to accelerate the green transition by enabling the production of green fuels and chemicals. Having a financially solid company with expertise in the various phases of the project in the background provides a completely different starting point for these kinds of operations. It is impressive how Elomatic has boldly set out to create this kind of new approach.
Elomatic operates in several industries, and your task is to bring expertise especially to on-land business operations. What kinds of challenges and opportunities do you see ahead?
A clear challenge is that our traditional on-land business is facing a major change. I do not believe that we should compete for project volume in this situation; instead, we need to identify those areas within the green transition in which we can offer excellence. In the future, we will focus especially on the circular economy, resource efficiency and new forms of energy, targeting our competence development accordingly.
As an opportunity, I see expanding our expertise and providing comprehensive consulting right from the start of the project development path. We have already taken the bull by the horns and acquired the energy business consultancy Elron. The acquisition supports our vision well, as Elron has specialized in renewable energy projects in recent years. Together with Elron, we will be able to pursue our goal even better, for example in connection with the launch of wind power projects.
As far as I understand, Elomatic is one of the few companies that can manage the entire chain from clean energy production to ship design, covering everything from “propeller to propeller”. With on-land operations, we can complement our excellent expertise in the marine industry.
You have a versatile background in industry, consulting and academia. How will you be able to utilize this experience with Elomatic?
Probably very well, because I’m familiar with the industry and I know what it is like to be a customer. I have also cooperated with educational institutions and students for years. Above all, I hope that the overall benefit of my background will be more than the sum of its parts. Combining it with Elomatic’s profile as a non-listed company allows us to build an attractive employer image. We definitely want to be the most reputable employer in the field.
What makes the CEO happy?
I am happy when things are discussed with a smile and when our teams dare to experiment and concretize new things together. Perhaps I am happiest when I get to welcome talented young people who are coming to work for us.
In three words, describe what Elomatic will be like in five years?
The first word that comes to my mind is international: in the next few years, we will become strongly international in all our sectors. The next term is deep expertise: we aim to be known in the future for our deep expertise in our chosen areas. Last but not least, I want to emphasize our role as an enabler of the green transition: I want us to be known five years from now as a bold actor with new thinking who moves projects forward, finds financiers, brings people together and creates a framework for our customers’ success.

Tom Lind
Age: 48
Lives in: Kaarina, Finland
Education: D.Sc. (Tech.), 2005
Employment history: Management positions in industry and in the design and consulting sector, before that a leading consultant at an international consultancy and a vice rector at a university of applied sciences
Hobbies: Sailing and boating, travel and experiencing new things, voluntary work, such as Rotary activities, academic cooperation in various forms
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